6 Foods To Increase Sperm Count: A Guide For Men Trying To Conceive

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If you’re a man struggling to conceive with your partner, you’ve probably already heard that eating foods to increase sperm count, quality and motility. But what does this mean? And how can you incorporate these foods into your daily diet? You’d be surprised at how easy it is to start eating for increased sperm count.

Sperm Count: The Factors of Male Fertility

The number of sperm found in one semen sample is referred to as Sperm Count. Sperms are necessary to fertilize the egg; hence fertility doctors recommend semen analysis for men during IVF procedure to ensure the appropriate count of sperm is available in a man’s semen, enough to make a woman pregnant. 

According to WHO (World Health Organization), 39 million per ejaculate or 15 million per liter sperm count is considered healthy in men. Sperm count below 15 million per ml is referred to as Oligospermia and is the cause of fertility issues in men.

A man’s lifestyle choices can also cause a low sperm count, which is called oligospermia. A complete absence of sperm is called azoospermia.

Nutrition and diet are the prominent factors that ensure a fit body with a healthy sperm count in men, reducing the risks that might interfere with conceiving a female partner.  

The best way to increase your sperm count naturally is by infusing nutrients into your diet, such as polyunsaturated fats, vitamin c, and antioxidants, known for sperm production. 

Low Sperm problem might be a problem for couples looking forward to conceiving and is also not good for the body in the long run.

Also, if the count of sperm is not adequate, it may result in low IVF Success rates for the couples seeking IVF treatment at Aastha Fertility Care to conceive. 

What Causes Low Sperm Count in Men? 

 Causes Low Sperm Count

Semen production is a complex process, which involves the proper functioning of male organs like the testes, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. 

These organs stimulate the brain cells that help in the production of hormones, further triggering sperm production. Any minor problems with these can affect the sperm count and assist with some medical, environmental, and psychological issues that might cause the same.

When a man suffers from medical conditions like infections, his veins draining the testicles causes ejaculation problems and blockage in the sperm passage. Also, the antibodies prescribed to him may attack the sperm, cause hormonal imbalance, or multiple issues of such kind. 

Food and nutrition play an essential role in gaining back the healthful sperm count. Therefore, if you plan to have a baby, men need to focus on their diet and nutritional intake for at least three months. 

Some of the low sperm count causes that can be prevented and treated with food are:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance has got a huge effect on the overall health and sexual well-being of men. A high Zinc and Iron nutrient diet play an important role in addressing and preventing the Imbalance, keeping your hormones in harmony to help reclaim your life back.

2. Obesity

More than 70% of men are affected by being overweight, having excess fat, and having poor energy levels. The best way to eliminate or cure obesity is by taking a properly balanced diet, ensuring healthy organs for increased living.

3. Past Injuries in Pelvic Region

The protein-rich diet helps restore all the injuries, bringing them back to normal working and life.

4. Genetic Disorders or Chronic Diseases

Ensuring generous consumption of vegetables and fruits with adequate folic acid intake and limiting the consumption of calories, sugar, and sodium will help get over genetic and chronic disorders.

5. PCOS Problems

One of the best ways to cure PCOS Problems is the intake a healthful diet. Those suffering from this cause need to include unprocessed, natural, high-fiber food in their diet, ensuring proper organ functioning.

A Male’s lifestyle choices can lower his sperm count. Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking specific regular medication can all lower sperm numbers. Childhood infections, long-term diseases, and hormonal issues can also lower sperm counts.

Symptoms of Low Sperm Count 

The inability of females to conceive a child is one of the major symptoms reflecting the low sperm count in males. 

It is just one of the major symptoms that will help you identify infertility in men. Other symptoms of low sperm count include:

  • Swelling, lump, or pain in the testicle area and around it.
  • Sexual function problems like low sex drive or difficulty in maintaining an erection.
  • Deceased body or facial hair or any other sign or indication for hormone abnormality. 

6 Foods to Increase Sperm Count 

Food Items to Increase Sperm Count

Stressing over poor sperm count or sperm motility is not a solution at all. The treatment for Oligospermia can be natural and effective if followed with proper guidance and instructions.

You need not spend a lot of time and money figuring out the best and latest fertility supplements. Just a small revision in your daily diet and the introduction of food rich in Zinc, vitamins, proteins, and fatty acids will do the essentials, saving both effort and money.

1. Food With Omega 3 Fatty Acid 

Omega 3 results in higher antioxidant activity in the seminal fluid, thereby enhancing the sperm count, sperm morphology, and sperm mobility. Fish, especially anchovies, sardines, and mackerel, are found with high omega-3 fatty acids. For those who wish to opt for plant-based options, flaxseeds and chia seeds are the answers to their search.

2. Food Rich in Zinc and Folic Acid

Zinc and Folic Acids have proven to improve seminal plasma levels and are also known to increase sperm mobility, volume, and healthful count significantly. Include Barley, Beans, and Red meat in your diet for increasing sperm count.

3. Food that Contains Antioxidants

Food rich in antioxidants like spinach, lentils, and watermelon is beneficial in maintaining hormonal levels in both men and women. In women, it helps to naturally soothe menstrual cramps, whereas, in men, it improves sperm mobility, slowing down the aging process, and boosting the immune system and sperm concentration.  

4. Increase the Intake of Vitamin C

We all are familiar with the ability of Vitamin C in boosting the immune system in the most natural way but are least aware that it also improves fertility. Intake of citrus fruits such as pomegranate helps reduce the number of deformed sperm cells, and these fruits and their juices increase sperm count and motility without taking any medicine.

5. Food With Vitamin E  

Foods with Vitamin E are helpful to increase sperm count by improving the quality of sperms in a man’s body. It also helps prevent fatigue, which can be a side effect of low sperm count. Food items like oils, nuts, seeds, and asparagus are rich in vitamin E. 

6. Selenium-rich Foods

Any diet containing selenium will always aid in increasing sperm count. This necessary component can be found in pork, tuna, Brazilian nuts, etc. As a result, physicians frequently advise ingesting foods high in selenium.

Other Foods to Increase Sperm Count and Fertility

Foods rich in vitamin A and B12: Men can eat chicken or mutton liver, which is rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, and folate, all of which aid in increasing male fertility and is food to increase sperm count.

Bananas: The most apparent solution to boost sperm count and production are bananas. Magnesium and vitamins B1 and C are abundant in bananas, the phallic-shaped fruit that aid in sperm production and sperm motility. In addition, the uncommon enzyme bromelain found in bananas promotes sperm motility and count. Additionally, they may elevate your mood and control your sex hormones.

Berries: Berries, including blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, and goji berries, also include potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant elements, including quercetin and resveratrol, which contribute to sperm production and quality.

Carrots: Beta-carotene, which is abundant in carrots, is an antioxidant that helps keep sperm healthy by shielding it against free radicals. As a result, the sperm is more mobile and can travel farther to access the egg.

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate is the initial and most likely effective element to increase sperm count. Antioxidants abound in the cacao beans used to produce chocolate. Additionally, it includes an enzyme known as L-Arginine that aids in boosting sperm volume.

Egg: Eggs are the essential nutrients and superfoods to raise sperm count. Protein and Vitamin E in eggs are abundant that aid in sperm motility. Also, eating eggs shields sperm against free radicals, increasing the likelihood of fertilization. In addition, eggs contain a lot of zinc, which increases sperm motility. To raise your sperm count, you can eat eggs in many ways.

Garlic: Garlic increases sperm production in the scrotum and prevents cancer. It includes allicin, which stimulates blood flow to the appropriate areas. The genital organs receive free blood circulation, shielding them from harm. Another significant enzyme in garlic, selenium, aids in sperm motility.

Ginseng (Ashwagandha): This historic root has long been utilized in cuisines and is a powerful aphrodisiac. Ginseng is claimed to aid in treating erectile dysfunction as well as raise testosterone levels. It is obtainable in dried or fresh form and suitable for tea.

Goji Berries: Goji berries are a natural wonder and among the best Indian superfoods that boost sperm count. Goji Berries improve the temperature surrounding your scrotum sac and mood, which is an ideal sperm production element. While no scientific evidence supports it, Goji Berries include antioxidants, increasing fertility and sperm motility.

Olive Oil: Regular consumption of olive oil enhances sperm quality and count. It promotes oxygen flow to the testicles, lowers levels of bad cholesterol, and aids in the production of healthy sperm.

Oysters: Zinc, which enhances sperm motility, is abundant in oysters. You must consume oysters since they include taurine and glycogen, which will help the reproductive system function better.

Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are abundant in phytosterols, antioxidants, and amino acids that improve male fertility. Additionally, these seeds may aid in improving sperm quality, quantity, and motility. Besides, you may eat them fresh as a snack or add them to salad dressings.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are regarded to be among the best foods for boosting sperm count. Vitamin C in tomatoes effectively treats issues, including sperm motility and low sperm count. Also, they include lycopene, an antioxidant believed to enhance sperm structure and function. Eating tomatoes regularly may boost male fertility.

Foods to Avoid When It Comes to Fertility 

To reach a healthy sperm count, you also need to make some eliminations from your daily diet, such as limiting the intake of carbohydrates like canned fruits, breads, noodles, and legumes. High-fat dairy products like yogurt, butter, and cheese are also a no. Also, processed meat, trans fats, BPA, and soy products can affect sperm count, reducing the same. 

Adding to it, the link between drugs and sperm health has also been explored. For example, increased usage of alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and other related drugs decreases sperm count, leading to further ejaculation problems. 

Lifestyle Changes to Improve Sperm Count

A few lifestyle modifications can aid in increasing sperm count. Sperm count and mobility increase by maintaining a balanced and healthy weight and body mass index (BMI). Besides, regular physical activities and avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol may help boost sperm count.

A study has also revealed that smoking regularly also decreases sperm count and quality. Therefore, eliminating these from your lifestyle will help you overcome common sperm problems effortlessly. 

Although you must also avoid certain chemicals and medications, such as pesticides, anabolic steroids, etc., you must protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Ask Professionals for Male Infertility and Low Sperm Count Problem 

Visit Aastha Fertility Care to find out the sperm count of your partner, ensuring proper care. Book an appointment for semen analysis with an AMH test to reveal sexual issues in men. On the other side, female partners are evaluated by hysteroscopy tests to know the health of their reproductive organs.

Aastha Fertility Care is focused on helping couples around the world get pregnant through natural methods, IVF treatments, and other fertility services. Please schedule a consultation with our fertility specialist today to understand what you can do to become a parent.

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Low Sperm Count

1. Which dry fruit is best for sperm?

The best dry fruits for sperm count include hazelnuts. Besides, walnuts and almonds are sperm increase dry fruits. Although you can consume dry fruits for healthy sperm, many other nutrients are linked to healthy sperm count.

2. Does milk increase sperm count and testosterone?

Yes, milk is suitable for a good body and sperm, but not that high-fat stuff. High-fat dairy products might affect sperm count in a negative way. Always go for low fat like almond and coconut milk if you want a healthy sperm count.

3. I am vegetarian, so can you suggest the best vegetarian food to increase sperm count?

If you are vegetarian, many food items will do the same work in sperm count done by non-vegetarian food items. Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your daily diet, including spinach with other green leafy vegetables. In addition to that, adding dry fruits and soy products is also helpful in doing the same.

4. Suggest Me Juice to increase sperm count

Pomegranate and orange juice, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, improve sperm count and mobility.

5. Is it safe for men to take supplements to improve their reproductive health?

The kinds and quantities of active substances the supplements contain may vary, but most comprise selenium, zinc, arginine, coenzyme Q, and folic acid. Generally, there is currently a lack of strong research supporting the advantages of pills to improve men’s reproductive health.

6. What are the factors that affect sperm count?

Many factors that may affect sperm count include obesity, alcohol or certain drug consumption, smoking, excessively heating the testicles, toxins exposure, stress, depression, etc.

7. Suggest me Diet Considerations and meal planning tips for increasing sperm count.

–          Get sufficient zinc and folate
–          Increase healthy diet
–          Consume more foods rich in antioxidants
–          Consume Ginseng and vitamin D
–          Limit consuming estrogen and soy-rich foods

8. How long does it take for dietary changes to affect the male reproductive system?

Due to the time required for sperm to develop, dietary and lifestyle changes may require between two and three months until they manifest in sperm.

9. Can age play a role in decreasing a man’s fertility potential?

Each male has a different level of fertility. Male fertility is not predicted by age and is not impacted by prostate function. Even after the removal of the prostate gland, a man can still father a child. Generally, the amount of fluid ejaculated stays the same, although there is less live sperm present. A few fairly elderly males can also become parents. Besides, some men might have less libido or sex desire (libido). Sexual arousal might become less rapid and intense. The possible cause of this is a drop in testosterone.

10. How do environmental factors like pollution, radiation, and other toxins impact sperm quality and quantity, respectively?

New studies have demonstrated by National Center for Biotechnology Information that men’s semen quality is negatively impacted by exposure to some environmental conditions, including noise pollution, toxins, radiation, etc.

11. How soon can one expect improvement in his semen analysis following lifestyle and dietary modifications?

It takes about a couple of months to expect improvement in semen analysis following dietary and lifestyle modifications.

12.  Can tobacco and alcohol consumption affect sperm count?

Male fertility has reportedly been impacted by alcohol and tobacco use. It appears that heavy drinking affects sperm production and morphology. Toxins released by smoking largely affect the quality and motility of sperm and seminal fluid.

13. Can sexually transmitted infections decrease sperm count?

About 15% of couples experience infertility, 50 percent of the total of which are related to men. It is thought that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that interfere with the men’s reproductive system’s physiology and might even influence the morphology, concentration, motility, and amount of sperm, are the source of 15% of men’s infertility cases.

Picture of Dr Namita Kotia

Dr Namita Kotia

Dr. Namita Kotia (IVF specialist in Jaipur) attained her Master’s in Obstetrics and Gynecology from S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur affiliated to University of Rajasthan in 1997. She has more than 10 years experience in field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Presently at Aastha Fertility Care Dr. Namita along with her team is providing complete infertility work up and treatment options under one roof. Her aim is to provide proper guidance and treatment to Infertile couples at AFFORDABLE RATES. She is life member of Indian Academy of Human Reproduction (IAHR), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR), Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of India (FOGSI) and Jaipur Obstetrics Gynecology Society (JOGS). She has a number of publications in various journals and presentations at state and National level conferences to her credit. Dr. Namita is also recipient of best paper presentation viz “Diagnosis of Congenital Mullerian anomalies by three dimensional Transvaginal Sonography” awarded at “Kishori” Conference in Jodhpur (2000).

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